30 Earth Science PowerPoints

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Hidden Hawaii Jeopardy IMAX
Computer version of Jeopardy for the movie Hidden Hawaii in IMAX.

Jeopardy SolarMax IMAX Review
Game questions for review of science concepts presented in SolarMax IMAX movie.

Updated Scheme For Identifying Igneous Rocks Using ESRT 2010
Someone made this file which I used for the last two years and had to update it for the current ESRT. I am only taking credit for updating not making. BTW, updating this took me forever so making it must have taken even longer...thank you so much!!

Blue Planet IMAX Jeopardy
"This Is Jeopardy" is a game with questions related to the Blue Planet IMAX movie. Topics: solar system, life support, plate tectonics, water, human endeavors and Earth's cycles.

Earthquake Review

Density Conceptual PPT
Simple introduction to density. Actually created for science 8.

How To Use Latitude & Longitude
PowerPoint that follows the notes, "How to Use Latitude and Longitude".

Moon Phases
Power point to introduce phases of the moon

Humidity And Dew Point
Powerpoint explain humidity and dewpoint

Time Zones
This is designed to introduce *part of* the basics of time zones as the teacher explains the visuals. Longitude lines, 15°/hr rotation, adding and subtracting during travel, polar view, student questioning based on old Regents questions, etc.


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