Surface Processes Share-a-thon 29 Files

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Weathering Part 1
Weathering halite to determine effect of particle size/surface area on weathering

Surface Area
Students will examine the affect that surface area has on weathering using alka seltzer.

Deposition (Settling Time)
Lab measuring & analyzing the effect of size, shape, and density on settling times/rates.

Alka-Seltzer Weathering Lab
Weathering Rates Lab using Alka-Seltzer (or denture tablets).

Shore Line Features Notes
Very basic notes about shoreline features. Points include: waves, beaches, protective structures, changes in sea level and sea floor. Source info long lost.

Blue Planet IMAX Jeopardy
"This Is Jeopardy" is a game with questions related to the Blue Planet IMAX movie. Topics: solar system, life support, plate tectonics, water, human endeavors and Earth's cycles.

Earth Science Photographic Scavenger Hunt
Students will photograph and describe processes that relate to Earth Science.

Bottle vs. Tap Water
Worksheet that briefly looks at the economic and environmental impact of drinking bottled water over tap water. Bottled water companies haul billions with marketing campaigns that describe the stuff as pristine, natural and being better than tap water.

mechanical weathering
Weathering of Gypsum


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