Meteorology Share-a-thon 65 Files

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Orographic Effect Precipitation Formation
Students are asked to explain what processes are responsible for the formation orographic (mountain) cloud and precipitation.

Station Model Analysis
Students both interpret a model data, and draw their own. An answer key for this handout is at the website New York Science Teacher under the title, "Station Model Analysis Answer Key."

Station Model Analysis Answer Key
This is an answer key to the station model analysis exit ticket on the New York Science Teacher website.

Coriolis Effect Exit Ticket
Students have to describe how winds deflect differently in the northern and southern hemispheres. Then, students have to briefly describe why this phenomenon occurs on earth.

Station Models Practice
Introductory activity to station models. Parts of this activity were borrowed from a worksheet available at: /4/5/2745111/statmodpractice.pdf other parts were borrowed from:

More Station Model Practice
Formative assessment for station model practice and weather concept reasoning

Low pressure system
Ticket to fly on a low pressure system with two fronts extending from its center.

Candle Lab
Students discover the air is 21% oxygen.


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