NYSSLS/NGSS resources to assist with the updated standards for science courses in New York!
Hello and welcome to New York Science Teacher. This site was created in 2005 with the goal of creating a central point where all Science Teachers, whether from New York State or the continent of South America could come to access quality teacher created materials. The majority of the material found within this site was graciously uploaded and shared by hard working teachers who wanted to show the world some of their best work. There are many resources here, for multiple topics in many different formats. There are science labs, demonstrations, lesson plans, activities, worksheets, notes, regents review material, educational related information and much more.
The site is maintained by a New York State High School Science Teacher, who checks for quality and proper functioning of all materials. We are NOT affiliated with the New York State Education Department or the New York Board of Regents. The site is supported by the personal finances of the webmaster and receives no funding either publicly or privately.
Thank you for visiting us and we truly hope this website has something great to offer you. If you need any help or have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking on the “contact” link on the bottom of each page. Happy teaching!
Christopher Sheehan (Webmaster and Science Teacher)