Mapping Share-a-thon 58 Files

A share-a-thon is a place where teachers can voluntarily upload their files for other teachers to use. When a teacher submits a file, it is catalogued and placed into a database.


Up, down, and Downstream
Many students think rivers always flow south. This misconception can be illustrated as such by this activity. You?ll need to supply outline maps of the USA and the world.

Using Latitude, Longitude
Students will identify cities based on latitude and longitude information.

Your Local Topo Map
This is a generic activity. So we suggest adding and/or taking out questions to better match the special features of your own local map. (Your own questions can be printed and pasted on your "master copy" over weaker items on this generic worksheet.)

Volcano in a shoebox
Volcano in a shoe box my version. The removal of the lines is always a problem. If you use crayon on the model, it's easier to remove than anything else. Dry off the model. Then using a DRY paper towel, and a little elbow grease, the lines come off.

Lab - Shoebox Topo Map
In this investigation you will work with an elevation field model (the island in the shoe box.) Often, it is helpful to represent a three-dimensional feature on a two-dimensional map.

Google Earth Manual
I've put together a manual to serve as an introduction for Earth Science teachers to the Google Earth program. I include basic information (how to navigate, etc) and more advanced information such as how to construct tours and create image overlays.

Google Earth Project
This is a project that I threw together during our winter Regents week. It's a project that has the kids create a Google Earth tour of a specific type of landform or of an area of geologic interest.

Creating Google Earth Tours
The following .pdf document describes, roughly, the procedure used to create the GE tours (.kmz files) that are being shared in this forum.

google earth lab
Attached is a lab and a Google earth file. They teach the different types of landscapes and stream drainage patterns. The Google file needs to be loaded onto the computers in order to do the activity.

Lab Using Google Earth
Attached is a lab and a Google earth file. They teach the different types of landscapes and stream drainage patterns. The Google file needs to be loaded onto the computers in order to do the activity.


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