Entire year of Earth Science course notes.
Earth Science Regents Word Frequency Analysis 2001-2006 Version
A list of the top 242 most common words found on the Earth Science Regents Exam from June 2001 - January 2006. Each of these words are ranked by order of most frequent. Common words like: the, a, can, what, etc. have been removed.
Earth Science Flashcards
These are based on the NYS Physical Setting: Earth Science Core Guide and the Earth Science Reference Tables (ESRT). They cover the entire guide, with the exceptions.
100 Unillustrated Ways to Pass the Earth Science Regents
Most in depth review sheet out there. Merges the top 100 most important concepts in Earth Science with illustrations & concept specific practice regent questions.
Dessert Review
A review activity that allows students to "pour on" the creativity and review at the same time. A great activity to break up going over regents questions!
Earth Science Regents Word Frequency Analysis COMPLETE Version 2001-2006
A list of every word found on the Earth Science Regents Exam from June 2001 - January 2006. Each of these words are ranked by order of most frequent.
Regents Questions
Here are regents questions on the topic of Deposition, Erosion and Landscapes.
June 1973 Regents Exam
A copy of the June 1973 regents exam students took as their final.
100 Ways To Pass The Earth Science Regents (Black and White Unillustrated)
One of the most in depth review sheet out there. Merges the top 100 most important concepts in Earth Science with illustrations & concept specific practice regent questions. Version 2008.
100 Ways To Pass The Earth Science Regents (Color Unillustrated)
One of the most in depth review sheet out there. Merges the top 100 most important concepts in Earth Science with illustrations & concept specific practice regent questions. Version 2008.