176 Earth Science Worksheets

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Percent Error (Percent Deviation)
Have students practice percent error using this simple worksheet. Tied to the ESRT's.

Rate Of Change
Have students practice calculating rate of change using this worksheet.

Scientific Notation Worksheet
Students can practice scientific notation using this worksheet.

Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
Plot stars on a graph and find out what Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Russell showed the world.

Planet Travel Project
The year is 2050, and space travel is no longer science fiction. You are employed by a major advertising company, and your latest assignment is to prepare a travel presentation for another planet in our solar system.

Planetary Exploration
Students will design a research module that could be landed on Mars to collect data.

Regents Questions
Here are regents questions on the topic of Deposition, Erosion and Landscapes.

Stream Discharge Graphing Activity
Students graph the amount of different sized sediments and determine the carrying power of a river.

Water Molecule Model
Using clay and straws, students build a water molecule and investigate its properties.

Weathering Rates
Students will use the weathering rates graph to examine the different types of weathering that are predominant in an area.


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