A share-a-thon is a place where teachers can voluntarily upload their files for other teachers to use. When a teacher submits a file, it is catalogued and placed into a database. To view more materials from the topic above or from different branches of science click here.
Magic Squares- Rock Cycle Vocab
Great intro to rock/rock cycle vocab.
Students can check their work with
simple math. Each column, row, & main
diagonal each add up to 15. Give this
sum for lower level students; don't for
higher levels. Can be used for any
Earth's history exam
Earth's history exam
Basic Concepts Worksheet
Earth Science chapter 1 basic concepts worksheet
Overlay ESRT Pg2 On Pg3
Overlay of Landscape boundaries(pg2) on
NYS Geology map (pg 3)
I have my students use collored pencils to
shade the different landscape region types
and then the Rivers and Lakes.
The Great NYS Race
Students compete against each other while using
their Earth Science Reference Table to determine
locations in NYS. I used coordinates for each
city from previous Regents exams. Have fun.