A share-a-thon is a place where teachers can voluntarily upload their files for other teachers to use. When a teacher submits a file, it is catalogued and placed into a database. To view more materials from the topic above or from different branches of science click here.
Hurricane Tracking Chart
In this lab, you'll plot the path of the tropical depressions, storms, and hurricanes that occur during the current Atlantic hurricane season in an effort to learn where hurricanes get their energy, where they go, and why.
Internet Scavenger Hunt
Have your students explore the information highway for Earth Science trivia.
World Weather Records
Map showing the global weather records (current as of 1997).
Earth Science Puzzles
Intellectual challenges for major content units. Encourages students to think "above and beyond" the core.
Skills & Knowledge Survey
This is a quiz about some skills and content used in Earth Science. It is intended to find out how much you already know. This paper will not be used to determine your grade in this course, only to measure your present skills and knowledge in science and
Rock Classification
Introductory lesson to classify rocks. Students become familiar with the reference tables rock charts.
Mind Bogglers
Explain the following apparent contradictions in meteorology:
Metamorphic Rock Identification
This lab is a simple identification lab which can be used with any 6 (or less) metamorphic rocks listed on the ESRT that teachers have in stock. Follows this introductory reference table lab (attached below).
Great Lakes Storm
On November 10, 1975, a deep and tight low pressure system moved across the Great Lakes. The wind and resulting high waves contributed to one of the worst shipping disasters in the history of the Great Lakes, the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald.
Station Models Tutorial
Individual weather stations report current conditions which are encoded on the map. This quick lab exercise will familiarize you with the information and method of encoding information on weather maps.