7 Organic Chemistry Files

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Substitution Reactions
The replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms in a saturated hydrocarbon with another atom or group.

Combustion Reactions
Combustion reactions always involve molecular oxygen O2. Anytime anything burns, it is a combustion reaction. Combustion reactions are almost always exothermic.

Organic Chemistry Outline Part 1
Outline of the basic topics on the introduction of Organic Chemistry and Organic Compounds. Based off of a handout I had my first year of teaching. I am unaware of the original author and do not claim to be the original author.

Organic Chemistry Outline Part 2
Outline of the basic topics on the functional groups and organic reactions in Organic Chemistry. Based off of a handout I had my first year of teaching. I am unaware of the original author and do not claim to be the original author.

Organic Functional Group Game
Students will draw cards that conatin alkanes and functional groups. Students will have to make compounds using the cards and score points to win based on which functional groups they use.

Organic Chemistry
Overview of organic chemistry focusing on hydrocarbons with an emphasis of the aliphatic series, chains or branched chains.

Functional Group Reactions
Overview of functional groups and organic reactions.


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