Below are a listing of files that have been recently submitted. They are in order of newest to oldest. There are 474 files.
Topographic Maps - Contour Line Intrepretation
Date Submitted: 2013-02-23
Students are required to match simple topographic
map contour lines to their correct cross-sectional
Coriolis Effect Exit Ticket
Date Submitted: 2013-02-23
Students have to describe how winds deflect differently
in the northern and southern hemispheres. Then,
students have to briefly describe why this phenomenon
occurs on earth.
Station Model Analysis Answer Key
Date Submitted: 2013-02-23
This is an answer key to the station model analysis exit
ticket on the New York Science Teacher website.
Station Model Analysis
Date Submitted: 2013-02-23
Students both interpret a model data, and draw their
own. An answer key for this handout is at the website
New York Science Teacher under the title, "Station
Model Analysis Answer Key."
Orographic Effect Precipitation Formation
Date Submitted: 2013-02-03
Students are asked to explain what processes are
responsible for the formation orographic (mountain)
cloud and precipitation.
Exit Ticket: Sun's Apparent Path
Date Submitted: 2013-01-23
This single page can be cut in half for a quick
assessment, or "exit ticket". Students are asked to
draw the sun's daily apparent path on a celestial
sphere for an observer located in lower New York State
on both equinox and solstice dates.
Pangaea And Geologic Time
Date Submitted: 2013-01-02
I cut out the middle of pages 8 and 9 to focus on just geologic events and land mass positions with respect to geologic time.
ESRT Page 5 Worksheet
Date Submitted: 2012-12-04
Worksheet designed to get students used to looking at
page 5 of the ESRTs and utilizing everything it contains
Topographic Maps
Date Submitted: 2012-11-29
Worksheets with contour maps so students understand how to interpret the topography of an area
Using The Sedimentary Scheme
Date Submitted: 2012-11-08
This is to help students use the Sedimentary Scheme and chart for the Relationship of Transported Particles.