March of the Penguins
Date Submitted: March 10, 2008
Each winter, alone in the pitiless ice deserts of Antarctica, deep in the most inhospitable terrain on Earth, a truly remarkable journey takes place as it has done for millennia. Emperor penguins in their thousands abandon the deep blue security of their ocean home and clamber onto the frozen ice to begin their long journey into a region so bleak, so extreme, it supports no other wildlife at this time of year. In single file, the penguins march blinded by blizzards, buffeted by gale force winds.

Walking with Dinosaurs
Date Submitted: March 08, 2008
Using the latest technology the amazing lost world of the Cretaceous, Triassic and Jurassic periods of Earth's history, when the dinosaurs reigned supreme, is brought stunningly back to life. The series provides insights into how these mammoth creatures appeared, how they survived for millions of years and probes the mysteries of their sudden disappearance leaving only a fossil record to show they had ever existed!

Jurassic Park
Date Submitted: March 08, 2008
Based on Michael Crichton's novel about an island amusement park populated by cloned dinosaurs, the film works best as a thrill ride with none of the interesting human dynamics of Spielberg's Jaws. That lapse proves unfortunate, but there's no shortage of raw terror as a rampaging T-rex and nasty raptors try to make fast food out of the cast.

In the Womb (National Geographic)
Date Submitted: March 08, 2008
From the moment of conception, every human embryo embarks on an incredible nine month journey of development. Now, cutting-edge technology makes it possible for National Geographic's In the Womb to open a window into the hidden world of the fetus and explore each trimester in amazing new detail. Revolutionary imagery sheds light on the delicate, dark world of a fetus as never before.

Finding Nemo
Date Submitted: March 08, 2008
Marlin (a clown fish) is a widower who only has his son Nemo left of his family after a predator attack. Years later, on Nemo's first day of school, he's captured by a scuba diver and taken to live in a dentist office's fish tank. Marlin and his new absent-minded friend Dory set off across the ocean to find Nemo, while Nemo and his tankmates scheme on how to get out of the tank before he becomes the dentist's niece's new pet.

Planet Earth: Biome
Date Submitted: March 06, 2008
No description available.

Planet Earth: Ocean Deep
Date Submitted: March 06, 2008
Oceans cover two-thirds of the planet yet remain largely unexplored. For animals that dwell on the surface, or within the deepest abyss, it's finding food and conserving energy that's paramount.Planet Earth travels the world to reveal the extraordinary lengths life takes in its bid to survive this immense and barren realm. Off Venezuela, a 30 tonne whale shark is filmed gorging on a school of fish rather than its normal plankton diet – proving adaptation and change is the key to survival.

Ebola - The Plague Fighters (NOVA)
Date Submitted: March 06, 2008
When a dreaded outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus swept through a remote region of Zaire in May 1995, NOVA was the only film crew permitted into the "hot zone." Spending a total of four weeks in the quarantined city of Kikwit, the result is unprecedented journalistic coverage of this grim battle against one of the world's most lethal diseases.

Bill Nye: Heat

Bill Nye examines the characteristics of heat and explains how heat is a source of energy. The science guy describes how heat effects molecules and identifies conduction, convection, and radiation as forms of heat energy.

Bill Nye: 100 Greatest Discoveries - Genetics & Biology

Gregor Mendel's work with pea plants pioneered the study of genetics, but it wasn't until the creation of the double helix DNA model that the field really began to take off. Hundreds of years before the first DNA test, "Micrographia" championed the use of microscopes and set the stage for the first major discovery in biology: microorganisms.

Bill Nye: Simple Machines

The science guy explains the mechanics of simple machines and demonstrates how these machines are used to make work easier. Describes how pulleys, wheels and axles, levers, screws, wedges, and inclined planes function.

MythBusters & the Scientific Method (Generic Worksheet)

This is a generic worksheet which focuses on the scientific method and can be applied to almost any myth busters episode.

Modern Marvels: Renewable Energy

Early in the 21st century, two facts are becoming impossible to ignore: oil is only going to get more expensive, and global warming traceable to our use of fossil fuels will impact civilization in ways that we're only beginning to grasp.

Modern Marvels: Rocks

They’re in every skyscraper we erect and every road we pave. The indispensable ingredients of the mundane and the monumental. Some can even float while others can supply us with unlimited power.

In Search of Human Origins Lucy (NOVA)

The award-winning exploration of the beginnings and expansion of the human race. Discover the missing link between humans and apes.

Minds Big Bang

The Mind's Big Bang: Anatomically modern humans existed more than 100,000 years ago, but with crude technology, no art, and primitive social interaction. By 50,000 years ago, something had happened which triggered a creative, technological, and social explosion and humans came to dominate the planet.

Darwin's Dangerous Idea

Darwin's Dangerous Idea: For 21 years, Charles Darwin kept his theory of evolution secret from all but a few friends. He confided to one: "It is like confessing to a murder." His torment resonates in society today in the challenge his incredibly powerful idea poses to our understanding of our world and ourselves.

Life After People

Imagine the state of planet Earth years after humans disappear. Stunning visual effects show how the environment will change as dams overflow, buildings crumble, and fires engulf once-mighty cities. Domestic animal life will die out and new species will claim their territory. Books and photographs will be reduced to faded scraps, while other signs of our existence may remain for eternity, standing as the tombstones of human civilization.

Modern Marvels: Copper

No description available.

Eyewitness - Life

Eyewitness is a compelling video series featuring wonders of nature. Viewers will journey into a three-dimensional "virtual museum" where live-action photography creates the sensation of being there. Eyewitness presents a completely different view of the marvels and mysteries of the natural world as they have never been seen before.


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